Statement from Counter Terrorism Policing North West following attack at a Synagogue in Texas - Counter Terrorism Policing

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Statement from Counter Terrorism Policing North West following attack at a Synagogue in Texas

Assistant Chief Constable Dominic Scally for Counter Terror Policing North West said: “Firstly, our thoughts remain with everyone affected by the terrible events that took place in Texas on 15 January.

“We can confirm that the suspect, who is deceased, is 44 year old Malik Faisal Akram, originally from the Blackburn area of Lancashire.

“I can also confirm that Counter Terror Policing North West is assisting with the investigation being led by the US Authorities.

“Police forces in the region will continue to liaise with their local communities, including the Jewish community, and will put in place any necessary measures to provide reassurance to them.

“We continue to urge the public to report anything that might be linked to terrorism to police, by calling the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 – your call could save lives.”

Always call 999 in an emergency.