Extremism & Terrorism: The Need For A Whole Society Response - Counter Terrorism Policing

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Extremism & Terrorism: The Need For A Whole Society Response

The acute threat we face from terrorism will only be tackled when the whole of society understands and responds to the chronic threat from extremism, says Mark Rowley in his keynote valedictory address as the lead for UK Counter Terrorism Policing.

Giving the Colin Cramphorn Memorial Lecture, “Extremism & Terrorism: The need for a whole society response”, Mark Rowley reflects on his time overseeing counter terrorism operations in the UK, which saw not only five terrorist attacks but an unprecedented number of both Islamist and extreme right-wing plots thwarted.

Arguing that extremists use sophisticated propaganda and subversive strategies to create and exploit vulnerabilities that can lead to acts of violence and terrorism, Rowley calls out so-called representative bodies for fostering grievances and isolation and denounces Britain First’s fear-mongering tactics.

Rowley calls for a “whole society response” to address the combined challenges of terrorism and extremism – and urges the police and MI5, the private sector, those in involved in social policy, integration and education, the family courts and social services, mainstream and social media and communities to play a role.

The full lecture as delivered by Mark Rowley is available to download