Counter Terrorism Policing launch new youth campaign - Counter Terrorism Policing

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Counter Terrorism Policing launch new youth campaign

‘Take action, save lives.’ That’s the message Counter Terrorism Policing is giving to young people as part of our new youth vigilance campaign.

For the first time, we are working with a social media influencer to reach younger audiences to encourage them to report anything that doesn’t feel right.

The campaign has been developed using extensive insight into how 13 to 24-year-olds want to hear from us, including polling, focus groups and consultation with our Counter Terrorism Youth Advisory Group.

Max Balegde with Matt Jukes

Max Balegde with Matt Jukes

At the heart of the campaign is Manchester Arena Attack survivor and Gen Z influencer Max Balegde, who has told his personal story for the first time. Our campaign also features conversations between Max and the specialist officers and staff working for Counter Terrorism Policing, about our mission against terrorism.

Record numbers of young people are being arrested for terrorism related offences and some of those featuring in our casework are in their very early teens. In the year ending December 2019 just four per cent of those arrested were aged under 18, in the same period in 2022 this figure increased to 20 per cent.

You can listen to the Radio One NewsBeat piece here.

Our new campaign aims to encourage vigilance, empower young people to report anything that doesn’t feel right and also educate them on the signs to spot.

The campaign is already running on Instagram @terrorismpolice and we are also working with a safe space account for teenagers providing advice on a range of issues about crime, antisocial behaviour and policing.

Alex Finn, Project Lead, said:

“The NPCC’s National Youth Engagement Programme, YourPolice.UK has been working with Counter Terrorism Policing to help raise awareness and educate young people about the signs to spot to help prevent terrorism.

“By sharing content created by CPT, and reinforcing the messaging with our own content, we hope to reach a young audience and empower them with the tools and knowledge to help policing keep their communities safe.”

Behind the scenes of the Youth Vigilance shoot with Max Balegde with Matt Jukes.

Behind the scenes of the Youth Vigilance shoot with Max Balegde with Matt Jukes.

Phase one of the campaign launched on 29 June and saw Max Balegde speaking to Head of Counter Terrorism Policing Matt Jukes around knowing the signs to spot, what to do in the event of an incident and how to report concerns about terrorism.

To find out more about the campaign see here.