ACT Early And Play Your Part In Preventing Terrorism - Counter Terrorism Policing

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ACT Early And Play Your Part In Preventing Terrorism

The public are urged to ACT early and report concerning behaviour as a 16-year-old male has been found guilty of one offence contrary to S5 Terrorism Act 2006 after a three week trial at Leeds Crown Court

The male from Haworth in West Yorkshire was found guilty today (Thursday, March 30) by a jury after they concluded that he intended to commit an act of terrorism before he was swiftly prevented by Counter Terrorism Policing North East (CTP NE).

The defendant cannot be named legally due to his age.

In January 2023 he pleaded guilty to six offences including four offences contrary to S2 TACT 2006 (Dissemination of Terrorist Publications), one offence contrary to S1 of the Terrorism Act 2006 (Encouragement of Terrorism) and one offence contrary to S139 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Possession of a Bladed Article).

He will be sentenced for all seven offences at Leeds Crown Court at a date to be confirmed.

The defendant was arrested in June 2022 after an investigation by CTP North East. Following his arrest, officers thoroughly evidenced the preparatory steps the defendant had made as part of his plan.

His crude extreme right wing mindset was also apparent from his digital search history where he idolised convicted international terrorists.

Detective Chief Superintendent James Dunkerley, the Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North East, said:

“Today’s verdict follows a  thorough and comprehensive investigation by Counter Terrorism Policing North- East.

“We are satisfied this individual acted in isolation and responded swiftly to prevent this escalating further. We’d like to reassure the public that there is no specific or increased threat to local communities as a result of this case.

“If you are worried about someone you know expressing extreme views or hatred, then please trust your instincts and ACT Early to prevent people becoming involved in terrorism.

“It can be hard to know what to do and who to turn to when a person you know is voicing concerning opinions. Maybe they are showing anger towards a particular group of people or an obsessive desire for ‘something to be done.

“We want you to know that support is out there both for you and those you are worried about. By visiting the ACT Early website you can access specially trained staff who will confidentially listen to your concerns and consider the right approach to get that person the help they need before they go too far.”

Chief Superintendent Rob McCoubrey of Bradford District said:

“We recognise that the details of this case will cause understandable concern, particularly for those from our Muslim communities”.

“Officers from our Neighbourhood Policing Teams will continue to be visible locally and will be on hand to speak to people regarding any concerns they may have.

“We work closely with Counter Terrorism Policing North East and our partners to act on any information that indicates a potential threat to our communities. This case demonstrates the effectiveness of those relationships and our ability to respond quickly, to reduce risk and protect the public.

“Vigilance plays a vital role in keeping everyone safe. We would always encourage people to remain vigilant and to report any concerns or suspicious activity to police in confidence on 0800 789321.

“In an emergency, always dial 999.”

Trust your instincts & ACT Early If you’re worried that someone you know is being radicalised. Action Counters Terrorism.