CTP welcomes new Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Bill - Counter Terrorism Policing

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CTP welcomes new Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Bill

Counter Terrorism Policing has issued its support for a new Bill which enters Parliament today, Wednesday 20 May.

The Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Bill proposes an overhaul of sentencing and monitoring of terrorist offenders and suspects, and would lead to increased jail terms for the most dangerous offenders.

Counter Terrorism Policing’s Senior National Coordinator, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon said: “This bill would ensure dangerous terrorists serve sentences proportionate to their crimes, as well as bolster our ability to monitor those in the community who might still pose a threat.

“Counter Terrorism Policing support changes in legislation which would increase our ability to protect the public, but this can only work effectively if used alongside a whole society approach aiming to reduce that threat in the long term.

“The new powers in this bill would only be used against a small number of the most dangerous terrorist offenders, and we need to focus just as much attention on the only strategy which attempts to divert people away from violent extremism altogether – Prevent.

“Whether Prevent is attempting to stop someone following a path towards terrorism, or hoping to rehabilitate and de-radicalise those who have already been convicted, it is our best hope in reducing the threat in the long term.

“Which is why I am pleased this bill would also allow the Independent Review of Prevent the time it needs to carefully consider all angles of the debate surrounding the strategy, and hopefully deliver an outcome which will strengthen our first line of defence against terrorism.”