Counter Terrorism Policing response to the publication of the Independent Review of Prevent - Counter Terrorism Policing

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Counter Terrorism Policing response to the publication of the Independent Review of Prevent

The Independent Review of Prevent has been published by the Government today, Wednesday 8th February

The Review, which was commissioned by then Home Secretary, Priti Patel MP, in 2019 and led by William Shawcross, has produced a significant report analysing both the overarching Prevent strategy, and its operational delivery across the UK.

The full report, which can be read here, makes 34 recommendations, only one of which relates directly to Counter Terrorism Policing’s delivery of the Prevent duty – examining the length of time we retain referral data.

The Government have accepted all recommendations made by the review, and they will use the on-going CONTEST refresh as a way of delivering against those recommendations.

Counter Terrorism Policing’s National Prevent lead, Detective Chief Superintendent Maria Lovegrove, said:

“Counter Terrorism Policing has long held the view that our delivery of the Prevent Duty is one of the most important things we do in our mission to keep the public safe.

“We are pleased that William Shawcross has recognised the vital work Prevent does, particularly how the Government, Counter Terrorism Policing and our many partner agencies are tackling the radicalisation of young people and reducing the risk of violent extremism.

“The terrorist threats we face now are very different to when Prevent began, and a strong collective approach is absolutely vital if we are to keep up with this changing landscape and its growing dimensions.

“We will now work alongside the Home Office to respond to the recommendations, and continue our contribution to the Government’s refresh of the CONTEST strategy.”