Counter Terrorism Policing responds to Volume Two of the Manchester Arena Inquiry Report - Counter Terrorism Policing

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Counter Terrorism Policing responds to Volume Two of the Manchester Arena Inquiry Report

Statement from Matt Jukes, Head of Counter Terrorism Policing on behalf of National Police Chiefs’ Council, Counter Terrorism Policing and the College of Policing

Today, my thoughts are with the families who lost loved ones as a result of the terrible events of May 2017, and with the survivors whose lives have been deeply affected. They have shown a humbling resilience and dignity during the long and difficult inquiry process.

This volume of the report includes harrowing descriptions of the victims’ suffering, I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for families to read this about their loved one’s last moments.

The shock felt by the people of Manchester was evident to me when I was deployed to the city to command specialist teams in support of the investigation; and the devastation wrought was clearer still after spending time with some of those affected.

That is why all of us with a role to play in responding to this Inquiry are determined that its findings help shape the UK’s response to terrorism in the future. The recommendations published today are of critical importance to all police forces and for national efforts to protect and prepare against terrorism.

We have not waited for the Inquiry to conclude to strengthen our readiness and our resources.

Since 2017, policing has worked shoulder to shoulder, locally and nationally, to make sure robust plans are in place to help police forces respond to terrorist attacks. Ensuring those plans are well-understood and well-practised across emergency services has been our focus.

The report makes it very clear that this work is critically important and must continue. As we absorb the details, we will be searching for and exploring every opportunity to enhance our efforts to keep people and our country safe.

Policing’s commitment to all those affected by this attack, and the wider public, is that we will act quickly. Together with other blue light services and the Home Office we will ensure the work we’ve already done and the steps we take in the coming weeks, months and years, fully address the recommendations published today.